President's Day Weekend.
This free, fun event is sponsored by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. For more information,
For all kinds of information about birding,
BirdCentral covers information about 600+ birds commonly found.
For more resources, the library has a variety of books and dvds, such as
National Geographic birding essentials : all the tools, techniques, and tips you need to begin and become a better birder by Jonathan Alderfer and Jon L. Dunn
Audubon videoguide to 505 birds of North America which includes two DVDs that describe each of 505 species that reliably breed in North America north of Mexico. The VideoGuide provides a voice or other sound from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology for each species that makes a sound of any consequence. The bird calls are combined with striking, close-up moving footage and informative still photographs showing the birds in their natural habitats. A narrated description provides detailed identification information and computer-drawn maps clearly communicate breeding and wintering ranges. Naturalist Michael Godfrey filmed, directed and narrated the VideoGuide, which he wrote with renowned nature writer Kenn Kaufamn, who also created the range maps.
There are also number bird guides available in the collection, by browsing
in the call number section 598.2 and following.