Monday, January 09, 2006

January is National Mentoring Month

Based in Alexandria VA, MENTOR, the National Mentoring Partnership asks people to
"Share what you know...Be a mentor".

If you would like to learn more about the mentoring process, there is a website which helps to pair partners, includes success stories about the value of mentoring in young people's lives and mentoring projects by state.

For more about mentoring both at the workplace as well as in community outreach,
here are two recent books available at the library:

Guiding lights : the people who lead us toward our purpose in life by Eric Liu presents the stories of fifteen mentors from different professions, identifying five teaching skills they have in common which enables many of their students to reach high levels of success.

The elements of mentoring by W. Brad Johnson and Charles R. Ridley discusses fifty key elements of mentoring, patterned after Strunk and White's The Elements of Style. It covers the qualities of an effective mentor, the steps needed to establish a successful mentor-protege relationship, the importance of integrity, and more.