If you have a Fauquier County Library Card,
you can use encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, find magazine and newspaper articles,
get literary criticism through the Bloom's Literary Reference Online for reports, download Legal Forms, take college test preparation previews, learn about the college application process through the Testing and Education Resource Center, and research your ancestors from the convenience of your home, any time, day or night.
From the library's website, just click on Databases and Links from the menu on the left side,
click on any of the databases listed, enter your card number and you have your own research library in your computer.
This includes the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, the World Book Encyclopedia, the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, thousands of magazine and newspaper articles through FinditVa Periodical and Newspaper Indexes, going back for many years, and HeritageQuest census data for genealogy research.
If you don't have a Fauquier Library card, and you live or work in Fauquier County, own property or attend school here, you can apply online for one right here:
Application info
PS: September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month